Nothing stays the same so who knows about the future (not me :-). But here’s what I do know: my sculptural heart is with animal vessels (as opposed to animal sculpture that isn’t vessel based). My pottery heart is centered in slab-building and dart-cutting. I’ll be focusing my attention in these areas where workshops are concerned for the foreseeable future.
So, I’m writing to let you know that this is the last free-standing animal sculpture workshop that I’ll be teaching for a while. I’m jazzed to teach this one bc we’ve been making them in my ongoing 10-week classes here for the past 6 months. I’m in the groove. So come and groove with me!! Details: July 10-14th, 10-4:30 each day. Learn more and register HERE.
What’s clear to me is that it’s my job is to enter any teaching situation inspired. It’s not my job to inspire. I know that people think I do that (inspire) but I’m not confused about it. If people are inspired in one of my classes or workshops, they did it, not me. It’s good news. The more people live it, the more they can know it’s true and that they have the power inside. It’s not ‘out there’. So this change is me knowing what I need so I can do my job well: stay inspired.